September 17, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Bravely show your true colors

I’m always running into Nicodemus. I find it disheartening when I encounter people who regularly talk to me, but curiously shun me when I wear my red MAGA cap.

These timid people are like the Bible’s Nicodemus, who was a Pharisee. He hid under the cover of night to speak with Jesus, so no one would see him associating with Christ.

Nicodemus didn’t want his status or prestige ridiculed in his community. I’ve personally known plenty just like him. They smile at me and call me by my first name and have a friendly chat, but not when I wear my MAGA cap. Then, these people ignore me or treat me like I’m a stumble-bum. The few who agree with me quietly whisper their approval as they quickly walk by.

Fair-weather friends? I prefer to be around people who are not chameleons and who will stand up and courageously speak their minds. What good does it do if the people who support Donald Trump have to hide and are afraid of what other people think?

In biblical times, if everyone had been like Nicodemus, the gospel of Christ would have never been proclaimed beyond closed doors.

Those who are afraid to wear a MAGA cap are deluding themselves to think they will stand up to injustice when totalitarianism rules our land. Be brave now.