September 18, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Still no evidence of voter fraud

In the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden received about 7 million more votes than Donald Trump and in 2016, Hillary received about 2.9 million more votes than Trump. Those numbers cannot be disputed.

Trump, and his supporters brought dozens of lawsuits in various state and federal courts challenging Biden’s election, losing every one — and some of those lawsuits were presided over by federal judges who were appointed by Trump.

Not a single fact to support claims of fraud was ever presented in court. The Department of Homeland Security called the election the most secure in American history.

Trump, by continuing to claim that Biden won the election by fraud, is doing more harm to the nation than any person living or dead. We, the American voters, must not vote for a psychopathic liar who cannot and will not present a single fact to support his claim of voter fraud.

Only a psychopath would try to overthrow an election that he lost by about 7 million votes.