September 18, 2024

Donald Trump played to wrong audience

I didn’t watch the Tuesday’s presidential debate in real time. The idea that I would have to observe Donald Trump for even five minutes, much less 90, raised my blood pressure.

However, I did tune into the critical analysis that soon followed and watched enough video clips to see why most of the so-called experts said Vice President Kamala Harris won the night.

Trump violated the first rule of public speaking — to know and respect your audience.

From the outset, the ex-reality star acted like he was on stage at one of his pep rallies, pontificating to a few thousand hand-picked devotees rather than a viewing audience of millions.

And while his well-worn diatribes may have been a winning proposition in the past, to a wider, more discerning viewership, it only highlighted Trump’s troubles with the truth.

For starters, does anyone really believe that babies are put to death after nine months anywhere in this country? Or that undocumented immigrants have developed a taste for our family pets?

Trump may have derailed his attempt to regain the White House but he deserves to be remembered for his uncanny impersonation of Elmer Fudd chasing that ever-elusive bunny down imaginary rabbit holes. At the very least we can all agree on that.