September 20, 2024


Trump is a threat to Earth

Former President Donald Trump undeniably contributed to food price inflation and migration of thousands from Latin American nations to the United States.

As president, he repeatedly called global warming a “hoax.” That’s akin to saying there have been no planes and cars on Earth for the past 100 years. He weakened climate regulations, passed no major ones, and withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement adopted by 196 nations.

Global warming was well established over 30 years ago. The UN’s first famous climate change report was in 1990. Now NASA has established 2023 as the warmest recorded year. There are indications that 2024 may be even warmer. And Las Vegas had its record 120-degree day this summer.

Warming and extreme weather events have affected farming in the Southeast, soil aridity in the Midwest breadbasket states, the flooding in California’s fertile central valley, and reduced water availability to farms using Colorado River water.

Bees are nonpartisan. Bees pollinate crops. Bees are dying. Bee larvae require temperatures between 90 and 97 degrees.

Warming also affects topsoil quality, reduced yield per acre, lower food quality, seawater seepage into coastal aquifers used by farmers, higher prices for food imports, loss of agriculture jobs in Latin America, and more migration to the United States.

But the above may not be the most significant impact to our country. In 2014, the Pentagon recognized climate change as a “national security threat.”