September 19, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Mining project has big drawbacks

There are two major problems with the Thacker Pass Lithium Project: the environmental costs of current lithium mining practices and the profound desecration of a sacred Native American site.

In September 1865, at the proposed mine site, the U.S. 1st Nevada Cavalry massacred 30-50 Numu people in a dark chapter of American history. Yet, despite the site’s cultural and historical importance to the Paiute and Shoshone tribes, the Bureau of Land Management has bypassed consultation with tribal elders, in violation of the National Historic Preservation Act.

Lithium is critical in the fight against climate change — powering our renewable energy future. However, we must demand better engineering practices for extraction without destroying the environment and crushing Indigenous rights. If forced, mining companies will develop systems to extract the metal with minimal impact.

It’s troubling that the federal government would ignore both the legal obligation and the moral imperative to engage with the Paiute and Shoshone tribes. These communities have an inherent right to protect their sacred lands, and their wisdom is crucial in any true environmental analysis.