September 20, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Take the gloves off of Ukraine

Ukraine has recently made inroads into Russian territory, seizing several border towns and firing into nearby cities. The Russians have cried foul, accusing the Ukrainians of targeting civilians, which is a hypocritical and morally despicable claim.

It was Russia that invaded Ukraine in February 2022, unleashing a military barrage of missiles, long-range artillery, bombs and attack drones. These were directed not only at military targets but civilian-populated areas like Kyiv. This was followed by armored and infantry units crossing into sovereign Ukrainian territory. Thousands of people have been killed or injured, including children and the elderly. Death and destruction continue to this day.

Russian leaders were initially overconfident, thinking Ukraine would surrender, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy would flee the country, the NATO alliance would fracture, and total victory would take just weeks. Instead, Ukraine has remained steadfast, Zelenskyy has rallied the world, and NATO and the United States have provided political support and military aid.

Still, Ukraine has been limited in utilizing its full military capabilities. NATO and the United States have restricted the use of weaponry to launch attacks into sovereign Russian soil for fear of escalating the war. In my opinion, “all’s fair in love and war,” so why should Ukraine be prevented from exacting revenge on Russian aggressors? That’s like responding to a bully who has hit you by preaching morality and hoping for sincere remorse. I say “fight fire with fire until the bully gives up and cries uncle.”