September 21, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Trump is no friend of military

Donald Trump has made demonizing statements against the American military. On top of that, he dares to belittle the medals that military personnel earn for their bravery and service to the country.

Trump actually goes out of his way to criticize crippled and wounded veterans. He does not want them included in military parades. He says it looks bad. Then he stated on national TV that the Congressional Medal of Honor was second to the presidential Medal of Freedom — just another slap in the face to citizens in uniform.

Maybe Trump thinks a Super Bowl ring or a World Series ring are more important than the Medal of Honor. I’m sure he thinks his college deferments during the Vietnam War have more status than anyone’s honorable discharge certificate.

Trump loathes those who serve in the U.S. military. He’s tried to keep it a secret. But every now and then he slips up and his disdain for the military slips out.

Recently, Trump and his entourage took a pilgrimage to Arlington National Cemetery. This cemetery is sacred ground, where thousands of the nation’s war heroes are interred.

It was all for a campaign photo op. He wanted to use a large cluster of military headstones as a backdrop for his campaign ad.

Trump doesn’t have a patriotic bone in his body.